About Us
Protect our Shoreline is a non-profit 501(3)(c) corporation. We are an all volunteer organization--no individuals or board members in Protect Our Shoreline receive salaries or payments for services.
Protect Our Shoreline is a group of shoreline properties owners, environmentalists, fishermen, boaters, and others concerned about the expansion plans of the shellfish industry in Washington State. Protect Our Shoreline members were instrumental in getting Legislation passed in 2007 that convened a state Shellfish Aquaculture Regulatory Committee, limited expansion of geoduck farms on state tidelands and started a process of scientific investigation into the environmental impacts of geoduck farming in Puget Sound.
Protect Our Shoreline members work with the Counties in the Puget Sound region in which they reside in order to bring rational regulation of the shellfish industry, which until 2006, operated without permit requirements, public comment or environmental review in most counties of Puget Sound.
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